Games n' stuff

I love programming & I love video games. In fact, video games got me into programming. But I never committed to making any games. That changed with PICO-8!

Below is the 1st game I've made. I'm looking forward to finishing it & making more.

Animated GIF of Snek Dash being played poorly

Snek Dash | (Link to source code)

A clone of the classic game "Snake" with dash mechanics. It's not done yet, but the core gameplay works & I tried to add a fair bit of "juice" (polish) to make it feel good to play.


  • Arrow keys to turn, [O] button to dash
  • Keyboard: [O] button = z,   [X] button = x
  • Mobile: Use on-screen buttons

You probably want to turn down your volume, because the music is terrible!

This was a learning project. I was learning PICO-8, Lua, & game programming all at once. Therefore, the code is not great. I would never use code like this for production apps or games.